Kodomo-No-Kata - Kodokan Version

  Рет қаралды 35,152

International Judo Federation

International Judo Federation

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Following a fruitful project between the French Judo Federation, the Kodokan and the International Judo Federation, we are pleased to publish the video presenting Kodomo-no-kata, prepared by the Kodokan Institute, intended for our youngest judoka.
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Пікірлер: 18
@NorthernLightsJudoClub Ай бұрын
Kodomo-no-kata 7 [Nana] 27:00 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Ushiro-ukemi 3. Yoko-ukemi 4. Outen-ukemi 5. Tai-sabaki 6. Ayumi-ashi 7. Tsugi-ashi 8. Throwing by Mae-sabaki 9. Throwing by Ushiro-sabaki 10. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei Kodomo-no-kata 6 [Roku] 22:40 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Ushiro-ukemi 3. Yoko-ukemi 4. Tai-sabaki 5. Ayumi-ashi 6. Tsugi-ashi 7. Hiza-guruma 8. Tai-otoshi 9. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei Kodomo-no-kata 5 [Go] 18:00 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Ushiro-ukemi 3. Yoko-ukemi 4. Mae-mawari-ukemi 5. Happo-no-kuzushi 6. De-ashi-harai 7. Uki-otoshi 8. Uki-goshi 9. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei Kodomo-no-Kata 4 [Yon] 14:00 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Ushiro-ukemi 3. Yoko-ukemi 4. Mae-mawari-ukemi 5. Tai-sabaki 6. Happo-no-kuzushi with movement 7. Hiza-guruma 8. Tai-otoshi 9. O-goshi 10. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei Kodomo-no-kata 3 [San] 09:25 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Mae-ukemi 3. Mae-mawari-ukemi 4. Tai-sabaki 5. Kuzushi with movement 6. Sasae-tsurikomiashi 7. Ippon-seoi-nage 8. Tsurikomi-goshi 9. Sasae-tsurikomiashi ® Kesa-gatame 10. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei Kodomo-no-kata 2 [Ni] 04:25 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Mae-ukemi 3. Mae-mawari-ukemi 4. O-uchi-gari 5. Ko-uchi-gari 6. O-soto-gari 7. O-uchi-gari ® Kouchi-gari 8. O-soto-gari ® Yokoshiho-gatame ® Tate-shiho-gatame® Kata-gatame 9. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei Kodomo-no-kata 1 [Iichi] 00:15 1. Ritsu-rei and Za-rei 2. Mae-mawari-ukemi 3. Uchi-mata 4. Harai-goshi 5. Ko-uchi-gari ® Ippon-seoi-nage 6. Ippon-seoi-nage ® Kesa-gatame ® Ushiro-kesa-ga-tame ® Yoko-shihogatame ® Kamishiho-gatame 7. Za-rei and Ritsu-rei
@Ken-je6fd 4 жыл бұрын
I miss judo...
@olimaye 2 ай бұрын
Excelente, muchas gracias!
@JMHCLash Жыл бұрын
incredible!!!!!! Thank you so much for providing this.
@hugovilela3159 2 жыл бұрын
@surferonxboxsries 2 жыл бұрын
i love the video
@joelreynaud6022 2 жыл бұрын
@johnnylawrence9329 2 жыл бұрын
Are the techniques at 1:10 and 1:30 hane goshi instead of uchi mata?
@davidlee1279 4 жыл бұрын
You uploaded these backwards...
@jhonathanbender6717 4 жыл бұрын
am I the only one who thinks that they are in a much higher level than white belt level? like much much higher.
@Kholdaimon 4 жыл бұрын
They use the Kodokan-Ryu Ranking system: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rank_in_Judo#The_K%C5%8Dd%C5%8Dkan_Ky%C5%AB-Dan_ranking_system So yes, they are of a higher skill level then white belts in Europe or the US, but still relative beginners. Going by the techniques shown here I would guess him blue or brown belt in the european kyu ranking system.
@dinkaliciouss 4 жыл бұрын
In kodomo no kata they are meant to assist their partner to complete the throw
@pewman8589 4 жыл бұрын
where black belt? they super good
@handsomestik 4 жыл бұрын
You see this Aikido? This is a real martial art
@miksh889 4 жыл бұрын
You see, it is not competition?)))
@santiagocastro3373 2 жыл бұрын
Esto no es Aikido. Es judo, y el Kodomo no Kata es una demostración diseñada especialmente para el aprendizaje seguro de los niños.
@migw_2354 2 жыл бұрын
@@santiagocastro3373 dice: "ves esto aikido? esto es una verdadera arte marcial" en referencia a que piensa que el judo es mejor que el aikido, no que el video es sobre aikido
@rcmoedas 4 жыл бұрын
👍🏽1 🥋
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