JUDO FOR THE WORLD - Magazine Dusseldorf Grand Prix 16

  Рет қаралды 22,031

International Judo Federation

International Judo Federation

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In this Episide we'll discover what inspires Japan's World and Olympic champion Kaori Matsumoto as she looks to defend her title this summer. Look at World Champion and Crowd pleaser ONO Shohei.
As always we'll bring you ALL the best action from the event, including some dramatic ippon judo.
AND we'll get the inside track on how special this event is for German Athletes as we follow some of their medal hopefuls and learn why it’s important for them to continue inspiring the next generation of judo superstars.
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Пікірлер: 8
@1966human 8 жыл бұрын
Grate good one, i had a belt i am looking at it now it is purple and blue tips i got it when i was 15 that was 35 years ago
@hoangvietung9217 8 жыл бұрын
ono the best
@devonnelson8865 8 жыл бұрын
time to get it
@ФиларетФедоров-ъ3л 8 жыл бұрын
Kaori, wish you good luck with English and your plans to teach judo around the world
@jargalsaikhannamjildorj6473 5 жыл бұрын
Филарет Федоров super super super star Ilike to ice cream
@rasulsultanov7427 7 жыл бұрын
@N0W 8 жыл бұрын
Caos theory
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