Judo by 2050: Only Ippon Seoi Nage is allowed to make the sport explosive and attractive
@MiSiOtH3 жыл бұрын
So many judokas head dive. Ono for example.
@naveenkumar82503 жыл бұрын
@brucefraser40582 жыл бұрын
@jaymorris34682 жыл бұрын
But only if you do it it gently in case there are butterflies at the competition or you may damage their wings or feelings and newaza will be allowed as long as on the way down we whisper their appropriate pronoun's 😂
@x4Tyomoya7 ай бұрын
@rikyako883 жыл бұрын
Imagine years of training Reverse Seoinage only to be nerfed by IJF
@erikbroman60553 жыл бұрын
Thats me! :)
@2elims-9863 жыл бұрын
@farohran16023 жыл бұрын
@nicholaskp49813 жыл бұрын
glad that i prefered to train eri-seoi-nage (same side grip seoi nage) than the reverse one xd
@siebe73043 жыл бұрын
@@erikbroman6055 i feel you men😢
@adamkrivsky16933 жыл бұрын
6:10 - Continuation Of Techniques 8:17 - Waza-ari Landing 1 10:51 - Waza-ari Landing 2 11:33 - Landing On Elbows Or Hands 12:45 - Rollover Counter Techniques 14:20 - Reverse Seoi Nage 15:05 - Gripping Under The Belt In The End Phase 16:47 - Lapel And Collar Grip 17:40 - Unconventional 18:20 - Gripping Breaking Penalties 19:00 - Arranging of the Judogi And Hair 20:20 - Head Diving
@Majin_Doh3 жыл бұрын
Thanks buddy
@KoenigABC3 жыл бұрын
Doing the lord's work!
@abelitomerino3 жыл бұрын
My complaints: ---The ban of the reverse seoi nage is a complete non sense in and of itself. But furthermore, are the referees really gonna be able to tell the difference between a reverse seoinage and a missed sode tsuri komi goshi? Often times the difference is subtle, especially with drop throws. ---Are you really gonna give no score to that Uchi-mata counter attack? Then what risk am i really taking when committing to an uchi-mata? At best i am gonna get a score and in the worst case scenario i will only have to defend myself on the ground. ---This is a minor complaint but: how many times are you going to change the requirements for a fit judogi? Just do an effective study already and set for the correct lengths and measures once and for all. Sorry for the rant and bitterness but i felt like expressing my honest opinions.
@martinkorecek98163 жыл бұрын
With the uchi-mata, are you referring to 12:45 - "Rollover counter techniques"? To my understanding, this doesn't apply to uchi mata sukashi, just these rollover 'counters' (faux counters imo). I think this is a good rule. Committing to an uchi-mata is a risk for several other reasons too, mainly ending up in a bad position for ne-waza, which now has much more room in the competitions than some time back. Idk about the reasoning for reverse seoi, except it being an ugly technique :)).
@abelitomerino3 жыл бұрын
@@martinkorecek9816 I am referring to that point indeed. For the sukashi you would have to anticipate the uchi mata to perfom it and step out of the attack. If the attacker manages to put his leg between yours, your only option to counter it would now be to do an ura nage (if my understanding of the rule is correct btw), which is not really viable if the attacker has fully commited forward with the uchi-mata. That been said, if you consider roll over counters as "faux counters" i cannot really convince you to think otherwise. Lastly, if we were to ban all the ugly techniques based on personal preferences, we would be maybe left with two or three allowed techniques, which i think is all but beneficial to the sport: Judo is beautiful because you can practice it in a variety of ways. (imo, of course)
@martinkorecek98163 жыл бұрын
@@abelitomerino You don't have to anticipate uchi-mata for a good counter, like one of this year's highlights: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hYGngnx5ateDrKc. And by saying that reverse seoi is ugly, I'm not saying that rule is right. I'll have to yet look into why it's disallowed.
@abelitomerino3 жыл бұрын
@@martinkorecek9816 yes you are right, but i think we can agree that the counter shown in the video is very spectacular and kind of an outlier. In most situations you' re stuck with tori's leg between yours, and i think you should be allowed to perform a kaeshi (which maybe you are as long as you don't roll over: again this is where my understanding of Neil Adams' words could be lacking). Anyway, thank you for discussing with me.
@farohran16023 жыл бұрын
You said everything. Seoi nage is complete nonsense. Imagine how its gonna be for koreans, Japanese and everyone who is practicing that technique. I am telling you people will transfer to bjj because sport is evolving and doesn't have every year more ridiculous rules.
@bestgrappling57873 жыл бұрын
With the exception of rule number 12, which really is a very dangerous situation, all the others are ridiculous!!! They're ending judo!! We are losing more and more space to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which has modernized and is much clearer to understand and much more inclusive. Jigoro Kano has always strived for excellence and that's why he created judo, including his practical and philosophical ideas and you guys are spoiling our beloved sport.
@Mulligatawney3 жыл бұрын
I've trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a long time and have only dabbled in judo, but I've always had the most immense respect for your sport. However, the more refine and specific and arcane the rules become, the harder it becomes to respect judo. I understand the IJF wants to keep it spectator friendly, but from the outside, judo seems to become more and more specific and less related to actually being able to practical usage, and more related to some kind of very specific 'vision' of what an ideal throw looks like.
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
BJJ easy to understand? only for those who practice... Jigoro Kano himself always excluded dangerous techniques and changed the competitive rules several times...
@MichaelWalker-wu2pq3 жыл бұрын
@@ricardokerscher not like this. Don't do that to the memory of Kano. These rule changes are ridiculous. We already have a completely unnecessary ban on leg grabs which every other grappling sport allows.
@deffinitely42743 жыл бұрын
@@MichaelWalker-wu2pq Did you exclude Greco-Roman wrestling from grappling sports? Because there you are not only prohibited from grabbing opponents legs, but ALL leg techniques (ashiwaza) are banned, i.e no sweeps, tai-otoshi, uchimata, harai or hane goshi etc.
@MichaelWalker-wu2pq3 жыл бұрын
@@deffinitely4274 I did. In the U.S. we do folkstyle wrestling. That's what I did in high-school anyway.
@masterartform3 жыл бұрын
As a competitor and coach, I was looking forward to a video explaining the reasoning behind the rules. I know and watch enough videos to spot examples, why is the reasoning inaccessible? IJF, what do I need to read or watch to understand the reasoning?
@IzunaDestruction3 жыл бұрын
Add my signature under this post as well 🎩
@gianttigerfilms3 жыл бұрын
Need answers
@emrecelik693 жыл бұрын
Reverse seoinage 😰
@clopperz3 жыл бұрын
IJF Ridicolous once again…
@samir_2163 жыл бұрын
Thats bullshit
@RichiXEats3 жыл бұрын
Pissed me off not even an explanation, just “no score and shido”.. they said rule changes are for media and watchers, what about the players, plus it looks cool anyways 😂
@Uwequickkill3 жыл бұрын
Reverse seoi nage ist a nice throw. I do not understand why it shout be illegal. The ijf Rules sucks (again)
@munkhtulgabattogtokh16023 жыл бұрын
Never liked the throw
@Antropeda13 жыл бұрын
Jumping arm bars, korean seoi, rolling counters, leg grabs, standing armlocks, "gerbi choke", "unorhodox" grips... what else? List is long. Banning techniques is not way to go. There are many judo techniques we dont see anymore and its killing judo from evolving.
@iancoughlan53 жыл бұрын
I think they want two people swapping uchi mata attempts the entire match
@marceloisoni91583 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more. I quit judo because of that.
@КтоТо-ъ6н3 жыл бұрын
each time there are more prohibitions, let's make a contactless sport like aikido, prohibit the most spectacular technique in judo, we need to think of doing it. Need to make a petition, or circulate the hashtag #BackReverseSeioNage
Not gonna lie some of these new rules are completely nonsense.
@farohran16023 жыл бұрын
-Reverse seoi nage complete nonsense, failed sode is much more dangerous -judogi measurements are every year different its really ridiculous - ruining the sport, more people will transfer to brazilian jiu jitsu because sport is evolving
@killer3000ad3 жыл бұрын
What is the justification behind the disallowing of reverse seoinl nage getting a score?
@stanislavzorin52673 жыл бұрын
Probably it could be dangerous in a ken kayotzu situation for uke's elbow, but I'm not sure
@SeanWinters3 жыл бұрын
It's because Korea is doing very well in Judo, thus they want to kill any Korean techniques. Same reason they banned the very "western" leg grabs.
@syn3rgyz3 жыл бұрын
@@SeanWinters korea isnt doing very well lol
@michalislagoudakis42013 жыл бұрын
@@SeanWinters I agree
@blablabla50263 жыл бұрын
Pussification of judo
@Animus1413 жыл бұрын
Is there somewhere to read the reasonings for the new decisions? Specifically the reverse seoi, and shido for not falling flat on the back. Reverse seoi isn't an unstoppable, foolproof way of winning every match, there is clear and obvious counterplay and a risk to throwers own hands, so it seems reasonable to keep. Applying a shido for stopping an ippon seems strange as well. Uke is already giving away a score via waza-ari - why penalize them as well? I like the gripping changes, and the weigh in times.
@JuanPadilla3763 жыл бұрын
Reason is Japan
@erikbroman60553 жыл бұрын
@oioioiw43653 жыл бұрын
@@JuanPadilla376 Why?
@JuanPadilla3763 жыл бұрын
@@oioioiw4365 same reason they removed leg grab
@oioioiw43653 жыл бұрын
@@JuanPadilla376 but Japan doesn't make the rules, IJF took over judo from Japan and now they makes the rules. I don't understand why you are saying reason is Japan.
@roryakers53033 жыл бұрын
This is why after over a decade of Judo, I moved over to BJJ. I stopped 5 years ago because of what was happening to the sport, and then I see this video come up on my feed and knew that I made the right decision. Judo was simple when I started as a kid. Use good technique to get an opponent to the ground and either pin or submit them and if you were passive, you got a penalty. Honestly I don't think I could come back to Judo as I would just be penalised for anything I did which is such a shame as I fell in love with the sport all those years ago. Judo will gradually die out with how the IJF handle the sport
@caonabocruzG3 жыл бұрын
One of the best BJJ promotional videos I've ever seen. Good stuff IJF.
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
@eejaypea3 жыл бұрын
@psicologoexplica-psicocosas3 жыл бұрын
Nah haha
@masterartform3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I tell students, "Do you realize that you can do more Judo throws in a BJJ than in Judo match?"
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
@@masterartform this is no make any sense
@otekai19773 жыл бұрын
I would like to know the reason for penalizing reverse seoi nage as would a lot of the viewers, because it seems as a just plain stupid decision.
@mathieuzimmer83213 жыл бұрын
How democratic is Judo? Who are they to decide? What about the vast majority of judoka that have nothing to say about that? Who is judo for? Is it for the elites or for millions of judoka all over the world? Or is it for some PR people that dictate what they want? Removing possibilities to score makes our sport even more boring, we've seen it at the Tokyo Olympics, watching judo is almost as boring as watching football. This development started in 2009 with the ban of leg grabs.
@raphaelgracia5513 жыл бұрын
They want us to go BJJ.
@David-cm4ok3 жыл бұрын
In an ideal world people would treat sport judo/olympic judo with the contempt it deserves. As you say, is it all about a hundred or two elite players or is it about the millions who practice worldwide? Clubs need to be stronger and refuse to follow this crap, like the leg grabs. Why not do it in your club? Or any other safe throw? Olympic judo is deathly boring. It has far too big an impact in the judo world than it should.
@nieljansegers92113 жыл бұрын
These guys have fucked up judo so much. “To make to sport more attractive to watch,…” they’ve done the complete opposite. They made it more complex and boring to watch. Who tf comes up with these new rules all the time?!
@Jauhwny3 жыл бұрын
In an attempt to make it look more attractive to people who doesn't practice judo they've made it less attractive to people who actually does... that's truly fucked up!
@clopperz3 жыл бұрын
IJF is ridicolous. Why doin this shaming this great sport!
@darko-man85493 жыл бұрын
The ban on reverse Seo is upsetting
@luisbobadilla91883 жыл бұрын
About Decision # 6: I can't understand why the IJF has banned the Reverse Seoinage. They should explain, give a logical reason and a clear answer, what criteria has been used to penalize it? The statistics do not show that it is a dangerous technique. There are no reasonable statistics to support this decision, judokas are not injured (both when applying it and when being thrown). Since Judo was created, Morote gari existed and up to 8 years before the Beijing Olympic Games, the leg grip became very popular as a very effective form of throwing, most countries used it and won many gold medals. With this, after Beijing it was banned and with it its variants disappeared (Kata guruma, kuchiki taoishi, kubisu gaeshi and others), the IJF said that the Morote Gari and Kata guruma was very confused with the launches of wrestling and Sambo and was lost the judo part, I remember that was the explanation. Many years ago (since the 70s) the Kani-Basami (flying scissors) had already been banned because it could spoil the legs of the uke, there was even a very popular case in Japan in the 80s that involved Saito and Yamashita (who was injured)....But to ban and penalize Reverse Soinage, it seems to me that it does not make sense, an explanation with credible statistics and easy to verify is necessary.
@matiasg7133 жыл бұрын
I have been injured because os KOREAN SEOI (wrist) but i wouñd never ban it like these pussies are doing
@vancityband65773 жыл бұрын
Agreed. If you look at Decision 1, you get lots of commentary so you can understand what is legal and what is not. They should have followed their own script from the same video in terms of explanation.
@MichaelWalker-wu2pq2 жыл бұрын
I raised a big stink years ago when they banned leg grabs and I remember judo colleagues of mine stating that it wasn't quite a big deal since most would sprawl to prevent the ippon anyway. I stated that if we accepted them watering down some rules than the IJF would just keep watering them down until they eventually took away something that even my colleagues liked. I wish I was wrong but "I told you so" doesn't feel good to say in any way. They're pushing more and more people to BJJ.
@luisbobadilla91882 жыл бұрын
@@MichaelWalker-wu2pq Completely agree with you!
@clopperz3 жыл бұрын
So now basically, if you do bad judo throwing yourself in a bad attack like low makikomi is more attractive than a standing Reverse seoi nage? Why advantage those who dive down to make opponents look passive? I really don’t get the point in limitings techniques and Judoka’s creativity… IJF IS EVIL.
@danieldelgado64643 жыл бұрын
I like when they say this groups of grips are not traditional but leg grabbing used to be traditional and they no longer allow it anymore
@rahadt9043 жыл бұрын
Then they say they want to "modernize judo" yet the Korean seoi a modern technique removed, the first rule is aids . So now even if you are driving on them you don't get an ippon even if they get their damn back to the mat, no counter uchi mata how dare you want to a legit strat to counter a throw. With no justifications at all.
@somea67063 жыл бұрын
@@rahadt904 you do get it if ur driving in a continous motion. only if u drive then stop then drive again u wont get it
@Ojo.Santos3 жыл бұрын
Decisão da FIJ Decisão 1: Técnicas contínuas - 6:13 Decisão 2, 3 e 4: Waza-ari (o que é e o que não é + shidô) - 8:16 - 11:30 Decisão 5: Revertida - 12:43 Decisão 6: Seoi reverso - 14:17 Decisão 7: Ne-waza (ou não) - 15:04 Decisão 8 e 9: Kumi-kata - 16:45 - 18:18 Decisão 10: Briga de pegada - 18:19 Decisão 11: Arrumar Judogui e amarrar cabelo - 18:59 Decisão 12: Apoio da cabeça p/ técnica - 20:18
@ThePartitoObliquo3 жыл бұрын
Judo in 2022: you can only look at your opponent because if you touch him he could get hurt
@Its_me_judoka2 жыл бұрын
@itsmeaiden87882 жыл бұрын
Atleast it would make sense
@konstantin74613 жыл бұрын
A bunch of bureaucrats are killing judo. You mustn't hide behind Jigoro Kano's images because your ijf judo is a pale shadow of his judo!
@blitzthekraken98323 жыл бұрын
Clear reasons why ijf should not hold power over the teachings of judo. And more reasons why more alternative federations and groups of judo should compete for attention of traditional judo teachings in their own tournament styles.
@TheLeveledUpMan3 жыл бұрын
I was hoping for leg grips and throws being allowed again, but again Judo is the only martial art that removes techniques instead of adding and innovating. I miss doing kata guruma...
@bachconneshon78092 жыл бұрын
One day man, one day
@nitsuj95093 жыл бұрын
I can understand the reasoning behind some of the rules but some of them clearly have no discernible reason for the change. Looking forward to the reason for the reverse seio-nage ban.
@bailadorr3 жыл бұрын
Confusing rules. I can predict most of the fights will be decided on video analysis. Shame on you IJF 😔
@kwepe45503 жыл бұрын
Je comprend pas pourquoi interdire les reverse soei nage. Ces techniques font partie de l’ADN du style de judo de plusieurs personnes, je pense notamment aux koréens. Surtout qu’aux fils, le reverse est devenu l’une des plus belles techniques à voir et est devenu très populaire chez jeunes. La vidéo ne nous explique nullement pourquoi l’interdire. Et je ne parle même pas des contre de uchi-mata qui sont l’une des meilleures punitions dans le monde du judo
@benjamingaillard86613 жыл бұрын
ça en devient risible ...; je suis dépité
@AP-yt2rw3 жыл бұрын
Décision 5 : Tu peux toujours contrer uchi-mata tant que tu ne t'ecroules pas derrière l'attaquant pour le retourner. L'objectif est d'assurer que le contre est bien basé sur un contrôle du contre-attaquant. Décision 6 : Le reverse soei nage ne méritait pas un Shido.. S'il y a un risque important de blessure, ils pouvaient simplement l'interdire sans punir.
@benjamingaillard86613 жыл бұрын
@@AP-yt2rw moi j'ai compris que contre uchi mata ne marque pas
@AP-yt2rw3 жыл бұрын
@@benjamingaillard8661 ca peut porter à confusion mais Neil Adams le décrit comme ça, à clarifier.
Sometimes the IJF makes me not want to do Judo anymore.
@hugoviegas12923 жыл бұрын
If i had a company that in each four years they changing the path of the firm they would be fire on the spot. To much incompetence always changing the rules and to worst. Soccer had is rules almost unchanged for more than 100 years.
@reigninblood1233 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately it seems to be mainly things being taken away again. This time it’s the reverse seionage. What is next?
@FranciscoEstrada13 жыл бұрын
"We want to make judo more attractive, that's why we are banning reverse seoi nage" 😑
@wcolatino3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations, IJF! You guys are killing Judo. We can't do motore gari anymore, we can't do te guruma, anymore. Now this! YOU GUYS ARE KILLING JUDO!
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
SPORT judo... Judo is much more...
@wcolatino3 жыл бұрын
@@ricardokerscher I disagree! Judo must doesn't have division! Judo is just one and unique!
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
@@wcolatino Yes. there is. There is 3 levels of judo: Basic (下), intermediate (中) and advanced (上). And the purpose of judo training consists of: "judo physical education method", 柔道体育法 "judo competition method", 柔道勝負法 and "judo intelectual em moral training method" 柔道修心法 According Jigoro Kano himself.
@elchotayewski27883 жыл бұрын
Not a single positive comment about IJF. We should boycott their broadcasts.
@muhammadali36133 жыл бұрын
Не зря Ан Чангрим бросил дзюдо🤦🏻♂️
@Iskitimskiy_razvedka3 жыл бұрын
Новые правила портят всю историю дзюдо.
@cum_munist3 жыл бұрын
Остаётся только поставить свечку за тех, у кого обратная спина была коронным приёмом.
@joelzayascastano88743 жыл бұрын
The majority of the new rules are ridiculous and useless. What is the problem with reverse seoi-nage?
@nebnimaj87663 жыл бұрын
What about the Sode-Techniques, especially in the sometimes assimilated style of Hashimoto? There would be kind if evidence for injuries and Uke is often not able to react properly...from the first kind of view, not too much sense can be found in the actual changes...
@clopperz3 жыл бұрын
I do not agree here. Sode with one hand like Koga and Hashimoto if done right is a great throw. The question is: can we drive it with the hand just like makikomi in the end phase?
@IzunaDestruction3 жыл бұрын
Spot on fella. I love Hashimoto but the way he forces his sode entry is clearly dangerous for the elbow and for the head of the opponent, which get forced into a head dive against his will. Yet, they banned reverse seoi. The nonsense is huge.
@Ojo.Santos3 жыл бұрын
IFJ Referee Commission Decision 1. Continuation Of Techniques - 6:13 Decision 2. Waza-ari Landing 1 - 8:16 Decision 3. Waza-ari Landing 2 - 10:47 Decision 4. Landing On Elbows Or Hands - 11:32 Decision 5. Rollover Counter Techniques - 12:43 Decision 6. Reverse Seoi Nage - 14:17 Decision 7. Gripping Under The Belt In The End Phase - 15:04 Decision 8. Lapel & Collar Grip - 16:45 Decision 9. Unconventional Grips - 17:37 Decision 10. Gripping Breaking Penalties - 18:19 Decision 11. Arranging of the Judogui or Hair - 18:59 Decision 12. Head Diving - 20:18
@algo2664 Жыл бұрын
I've seen a lot of people here saying that they will go to BJJ due to all the banned throws. That is not a smart desition. Judo competition has problems but changing to a ruleset that allows to cowardly evade the takedown phase of the match (guard pulling) is not the solution. I do both Judo and BJJ but when I compete in BJJ even when the rules allowed me to do all the existent Judo throws my oponents put their butts on the mat in just a few seconds once the match started. Go to BJJ if you want to do more submissions but if you want to do more throws something like sambo will be a better option.
@아보카도-y2n3 жыл бұрын
no reverse seoi nage?? IJF you should clarify the reason why you changed the rule.
@PedroPereira-ik3ey3 жыл бұрын
Some rules do make sense, but there are others that I personally don't see their purpose. IJF is making judo attractive to watch for non-Judokas but non-attractive for judokas
@reymysterio13__503 жыл бұрын
How is taking Reverse Seoi out making it more atractive to watch?
@hugoviegas12923 жыл бұрын
How can judo be atractive for non judokas if each 4 years they change thecrules, non judokas will stop to understand the rules and they have to learn again. How many non judokas you will think that going to read this new rules?
@PedroPereira-ik3ey3 жыл бұрын
@@reymysterio13__50 that's my point, it isn't. Removing reverse seoi-nage is the rule I desagree the most
@PedroPereira-ik3ey3 жыл бұрын
@@hugoviegas1292 I agree with you as it makes no sense. If a judoka is a competitor, he/she has to adapt to the new rules
@oneguy72023 жыл бұрын
Nobody outside grappling world watch judo because is boring
@alejandrob.r.22563 жыл бұрын
I miss the old throws involving leg grabs. :(
@wwmmddd3 жыл бұрын
I stopped training judo in 2006. Today's judo doesn't have much in common with the traditional judo I knew. That all changed in 2012, when the IjF federation introduced dramatic laws prohibiting grabbing legs in a stand-up collar. (Morote gari, Te guruma, etc.) This was to help the Japanese, who had problems defending these techniques. And then I thought that it is impossible to spoil my beloved discipline more... Politics is even in sports
@JD-ww2ri3 жыл бұрын
Help the Japanase? come on man,check the Japan's number of gold medals in World championships and at the Olympics before 2012,you will get a surprise.
@ryanwilliams9984 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, a simple Google search would refute that statement. The Japanese won medals back then and continue to today. They definitely don't need help lol
@nathanyoung80583 жыл бұрын
Killing innovation in the sport.
@jrmbayne3 жыл бұрын
I don't think you understand innovation
@nathanyoung80583 жыл бұрын
@@jrmbayne so explain how the rule changes and the banning of non traditional techniques advances judo and appeals to a new audience? Innovation is about accepting new ideas and methods to advance the sport not surpressing it. I am allowed my opinion and as with many others feel the latest changes especially around reverse seoi nage is a negative move.
@jrmbayne3 жыл бұрын
@@nathanyoung8058 you are correct, the definition of innovation is to create or introduce new ideas, and IJF has not banned anyone from doing that, in fact, the rules that they are now enforcing have created many new techniques over the last decade, and even made some lost techniques viable again. And I guarantee you, innovation to adapt and be effective in this new rule set will continue to be prevalent., I did not say that their decision to ban reverse seoi was correct, And you should not infer that. But I can tell you that taking away leg grabs created one of the greatest periods of innovation that Judo has seen in a long time. As this new ban will also do, it is not a good thing, but they are not killing innovation by any stretch.
@oneguy72023 жыл бұрын
@@jrmbayne taking away leg grabs just sent people to train in bjj veey smart decision
@jrmbayne3 жыл бұрын
@@oneguy7202 you got the numbers on that? Internationally, Judo is more popular than ever and has larger financial prices for placing than it ever had in the past.
@tangerine16803 жыл бұрын
reverse seoi nage ruling with absolutely no explanation, sounds about right
@jackbrooks61413 жыл бұрын
Head diving is the only one that makes sense but the rest, come on IJF! They are just useless, the belt and hair thing I see why but the judoka should be allowed to take off their belt or do up their hair if needed as many times needed to. The reverse seo why?? Unconventional grips, that rule was already a thing I’ve heard many of times of the penalising of unconventional grips so why say it again? The colar, lapel grip again it was kinda a thing and the went with all grips if you are active in throwing you won’t be penalised. Another one was continuation of techniques that was a thing already i don’t know why they have to point it out. The Judogi doesn’t make sense just make up your mind and shut up about it. The weighing times I don’t worry about as it doesn’t affect me really. The rolling counter makes 0 sense uchi mata and some other throws need this counter and now you don’t get a score in preventing it rolling over their back, it sounds like the continuation of techniques but doesn’t follow it?? The 90 degrees is stupid now u can get 2 horrible throws and win now? Judo is becoming worse and worse every time they come out these new rules or regulations. I don’t think judo will be like it was in the 90s even though there was a bit less media on it.
@noillimrev32093 жыл бұрын
These New rules Just kill the judoka spirit inside the millions of athletes around the world, you can't just change the traditional rules just besause your ambitions, so disappointed
@rorodujudo3 жыл бұрын
More than feeling personally attacked, I feel like the judo as a whole is loosing it's roots gradually. I can understand that a sport needs to evolve (even more when it comes to regulate real danger) but saying that you change the rules for medias is inexcusable to me. We don't need fights to look like a kata demonstration and killing creativity will lead to less dynamic to me. I really fell in love with this sport 10 years ago and I'm feeling like it's not the same anymore. It really makes me sad.
@Anhdatrang913 жыл бұрын
If it continues like this, BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) will be accepted by more people than Judo, IJF
@ChronoLensart3 жыл бұрын
Already is...at lease here in the US. The rise of the UFC brought BJJ schools all over the place. There is two schools 5 minutes of my house but I drive 1 hour each way to do Judo with my son 3-4 times a week its a shame...
@somea67063 жыл бұрын
@@ChronoLensart well judo was never big in the us to begin with. A more realistic example would be if this was happening in european countries for eg
@ChronoLensart3 жыл бұрын
@@somea6706 good point
@benjamingaillard86613 жыл бұрын
No counter uchi mata 🤯🤯🤯
@marquinimb40733 жыл бұрын
or haraigoshi with kosotogari
@jrmbayne3 жыл бұрын
In regards to the two hand landing, penalty and score, has there ever been a situation in previous rule sets where penalty was given and score awarded for the same action? I'm obviously not referring to situations where two separate actions occurred, such as a clear score and an eye poke
@enzodiconca58403 жыл бұрын
Yo de por si llegue al judo cuando ya habian eliminado los agarres de las piernas (la formas mas facil he intuitiva de derribar a una persona, independientemente del deporte del que hablemos), ahora eliminan el reverse... yo digo, la gracia no es enseñarle Judo a las nuevas generaciones y que el conocimiento pase de una a otra?... sinceramente cro que cada ves se enseña menos, el conocimiento se pierde y al menos a mi entender es contraproducente. La verdad una lastima.
@JanDrly3 жыл бұрын
Allright I can get behind that the video should be as short as possible, but will there be a written statement behind these changes? Reverse Seoi-Nage? Really? And whats up with Decision 11 regarding Judogi / Hair adjustment ONCE? U know u cant predict if the jacked will become undone or hair fixers breaks during the match right? Thats especially for woman players.
@supablitz3 жыл бұрын
I agree, but I think they mean if you open the belt and rewrap it....I think if you just shove the gi in, that wont count
@euanmorse3 жыл бұрын
@@supablitz I think you’re right. They didn’t explain that part adequately.
@Drikkerbadevand3 жыл бұрын
I think it's stupid to penalize arranging the judogi. So now all I have to do is pull up my opponents gi and he is getting penalized afterwards
@wawrzyniecpotocki31573 жыл бұрын
Dear judo family we will do with Your favorite discipline whatever we wont and we dont care what you think about it. We know better and You can only seat and clap your hands. And seriously You making changes in rules so often and so ridiculous that Youare killing judo and its popularity. Same judokas had made a lot of houres to do reverse seoinage perfectly and You trowing their work to garbage. There its a lot if criticism in comments below and below your fb post and You dont respond. This is your respect? Its realy sad. You are sad people. Judo fan.
@thiagodoca3 жыл бұрын
Parem de querer limitar o judô a todo custo! Vocês estão destruindo uma arte marcial completa! PÉSSIMA FEDERAÇÃO
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
Ninguém está destruindo arte marcial nenhuma. São apenas regras para uma parte do judô, a parte esportiva...
@thiagodoca3 жыл бұрын
@@ricardokerscher Sim, mas hoje em dia a grande maioria das academias de judô treinam segundo as regras olímpicas....Hoje em dia, já foi em algum treino de judô que poderia pegar na perna? Fazer Kani Bassami... Pode ser até que sim, mas na maioria das vezes, não. A IFJ dita, infelizmente, o Judô como um todo, outra prova disso é a escassez de treinos em Ne-Waza... Infelizmente, mas é a realidade.
@ricardokerscher3 жыл бұрын
@@thiagodoca aí a culpa é da academia, de seus professores... O Judô está aí pra ser estudado e aprofundado... Se a maioria segue as regraa da IJF, ficar reclamando nas redes sociais é que não vai mudar nada...
@thiagodoca3 жыл бұрын
@@ricardokerscher A teoria é linda, na prática isso não acontece. A IFJ dita o que o Judô vai fazer, e não adianta, se um professor quer que os alunos participem de uma competição, eles devem treinar segundo as regras. Isso limita o judô como um todo, são raríssimas as academias que não vão em Shiai. Até as tradicionais vão.
@thiagodoca3 жыл бұрын
@@ricardokerscher E além disso, essas competições limitam o judô também como um esporte. Faz tal pegada: Shido, tal golpe: Shido, tal movimentação: Shido....e lógico que não sou contra isso, mas cada vez mais estão se limitando, limitando golpes, ações, pegadas.. dizer q isso não afeta a parte "não esportiva" do judô é tapar o sol com peneira.
@fennec8123 жыл бұрын
Most of these are silly… I’m not even sure I follow the statement about unconventional grips. The implication there seems to be “proper judo is only done from the traditional grips” Which… definitely seems like overt regression rather than active evolution of rules to support new tactics. Also obligatory booing at the death of reverse seoi.
@justarandomsleepingredpand73243 жыл бұрын
Kani basami had a legitimate reason for banning: lots of knees were injured when the thrower pulled the weight of uke on one leg resulting the "scissoring" of the knee. You can see and hear this on camera in the Yamashita vs Endo fight in the all Japan a long time ago. Reverse Seoi nage however doesn't really cause injuries I've literally never seen an injury occur in competition Judo where the reason was reverse seoi nage therefore the ban is completely unreasonable and counterproductive to their goal of making Judo more appealing to spectators as the reverse seoi nage is one of the most flashy throws out there few people can perform
@yogevtmax48163 жыл бұрын
i know right? to be honest i dont agree with the counters to and the arranging judogi is kinda stupid like what if youre judogi is all over the place and you have 2 shidos you should just let it be? how is that fair i understand getting shido for wasting time for that but sometimes arranging is needed
@justarandomsleepingredpand73243 жыл бұрын
Yeah the shidos for me is way to over the top and just like banning reverse seoi nage it will make the sport uglier rather than more appealing.
@yogevtmax48163 жыл бұрын
@@justarandomsleepingredpand7324 yep it will become shido war with less techniques and so many shidos.. well even for some1 like me who love the sport it will be boring to watch hope they will change it somehow
@justarandomsleepingredpand73243 жыл бұрын
@@yogevtmax4816 I really hope so. The sport has such amazing roots and history so it's really disappointing to see all of these rules making it less and less fun and exciting for players specifically cause in the end it should be players first and spectators second.
@csscott98033 жыл бұрын
The ban on reverse seoi nage is outrageous and stupid.
@thiagosouza27373 жыл бұрын
I'm not really involved with Judo, although I like to watch on the Olympics and the Slams and Grand Prix. My impression is that IJF is doing its best to make the general public dislike judo for been arbitrary and full on non sense. Measuring the angle of an elbow for scoring something is completely ridiculous. The amount of shidos pretty much restrict fighters strategy and make the hole thing boring.
@Hipp0campus3 жыл бұрын
they got rid of measuring the elbow angle with the new rules. They now measure the hip-shoulder angle. You can decide if this is any less ridiculous.
@364245672543 жыл бұрын
@@Hipp0campus indeed. The previous criteria was inaccurate but fairly easy to judge, the new one is theoretically better but impossible to actually consistently judge imo.
@blablabla50263 жыл бұрын
What an utter disappointment! Can wait for seminar to hear reasoning behind this desisions. The one about reverse seoinage above all else!
@augustinfages64593 жыл бұрын
Pourquoi annuler les reverse seoi nage 😕
@matiasg7133 жыл бұрын
Head diving was already banned but shohei was never penalozed
@judomachine3 жыл бұрын
never. And that was bullsh*t. They never penalized Inoue back in the day for doing it either and it was illegal then too.
@matiasg7133 жыл бұрын
@@judomachine how many times has Orujov been robbed...now they nerfed the reverse seoi, and even made uchimata more powerful by not scoring the best counter against uchimata, guess i will start forcing head diving against uchimata players🤷,
@dandychiggins72403 жыл бұрын
I just started practicing Judo, but I knew this comment section would be fun lol 🤣
@IzunaDestruction3 жыл бұрын
So... seoi got nerfed while uchi-mata is nearly impossible to punish, at the same time grip fighting just got more messy and nonsensical while Ono's fighting style is a winner by default because the new rules say so. The reasoning behind all this: unknown. You have to love the IJF 🙄🤦♂️
@andrejkircanski31943 жыл бұрын
I do seoi nage and my opponent goes on the other side what I suppose to do. Pls someone answer
@Vaitamanu3 жыл бұрын
I don't understand the ban of the reverse seoi nage. Ok, I wouldn't like it as uke myself since it seems a bit tricky, but I find it efficient, giving clear ippons, so it's Judo. IJF should have explained why it's dangerous so you can understand this new rule. On the opposite, I like the end of the rolling counter, which seemed very artificial, very often with no force at all in the contact.
@Hipp0campus3 жыл бұрын
I don't want to see it banned too. But I gotta say as Uke I always place my hand very carefully as its easy to get it trapped and twisted. I'd have banned it in youth categories probably.
@muft3 жыл бұрын
I wonder how many fights will end because somebody s jacket or hair is loose. Guess that will be the end of golden score ... ??
@Itzak153 жыл бұрын
Reverse seoi is cool and effective. Unnecessary ban
@alexeyepifanov26843 жыл бұрын
What was wrong with so great Korean seoi nage technic????? - decision 6. Decision 5 is also not clear - not allowed to counter roll tori after his throw attempt 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ If in the direction of the attempt it would be understandable but if in opposite direction???? You guys deny defending from Uchi Mata?
@jonlasarte96903 жыл бұрын
You can defend it, but no score given.
@alexeyepifanov26843 жыл бұрын
@@jonlasarte9690 correct. Defending without any risk for Tori. Meaning everyone can start do unprepared false Uchi Mata having no risk to get countered
@jonlasarte96903 жыл бұрын
@@alexeyepifanov2684 yeah Back then there was te guruma, this uchi mata counter and the reverse seoi to counter an uchi mata specialist with heavily sided stance. Now? Nothing. You can do ura nage to someone who goes deep, but ashi uchi mata or the twisting one? I can't think about anything... If I was a teacher I would teach an uchi mata oriented game nowadays no doubt
@alexeyepifanov26843 жыл бұрын
@@jonlasarte9690 probably the meaning for the change is to increase number of impressive flying technic. But it can result in big number of low quality technic and imitation of technic
@michelalsoury70653 жыл бұрын
Taking oit the reverse seo nagi is sad.. and what about bridging?
@marceloisoni91583 жыл бұрын
Dear IJF, we, the majority of the practitioners, want our old judo back.
@mrsthatcher98155 ай бұрын
old judo wasnt a sport
@sukiyaLocal8 ай бұрын
I’m a 40 years old bjj black belt and just starting judo. I think every bjj guy should enjoy a judo gym and every judo guy should enjoy a bjj gym.
@32battalion243 жыл бұрын
Neil Adam's and Marius Viser will go down in history as having destroyed Judo since 2012. We might as well go do Aikido if we want to look beautiful. This isn't judo anymore.
@euanmorse3 жыл бұрын
Neither of the people you mention are part of the Rule making commission…
@camaleaojudo23213 жыл бұрын
did the ijf give any definition of what counts as a reverse seoi nage by now? the differences between reverse seoi and sode tsuri komi goshi can be somewhat fluid...
@azores813 жыл бұрын
@bailadorr3 жыл бұрын
IJF is killing the sport I love 😪
@mrsthatcher98155 ай бұрын
it was never meant to be a sport
@Yupppi2 жыл бұрын
So in case of hair or judogi re-arrangement: if your gi is wide open or long hair is all over the place, are you still not allowed to re-arrange it without shido? Are you supposed to fight the rest of the match like that? Or will it be ruled by the referee that you need to re-arrange them without shido? I'd think it was everyone's best interest if the hair or gi aren't flailing around freely. Of course it's a chance to rest, but it's better for the technique and competition if the secondary things aren't messing with the judo.
@Dynamic60003 жыл бұрын
Taking out reverse Seoinage is complete garbage.
@michaelreif26182 жыл бұрын
Thanks 😊
@theboballmighty36062 жыл бұрын
If you are reading this ill provide a silver lining, a element of hope..... The Olympics is two years away, we all have two years to see how bad the rules will be post-2024 and how far away from kano's vision the IJF and take judo. We also have two years to look for BJJ schools in our local areas.
@tusharbansal55103 жыл бұрын
Bhot badiya sir Sab samjgyaaa ❤️❤️❤️👍👍
@iancoughlan53 жыл бұрын
I just cant believe how cheap a wazari is now. Is it still 2 wazari for ippon
@HYPMAN1003 жыл бұрын
Oh my God. More rules
@raphaelgracia5513 жыл бұрын
Thank you IJF for destroying judo. Going all BJJ now.
@yourstruly65203 жыл бұрын
Can we stop removing things from judo ?
@mfp55853 жыл бұрын
Is the Ole Bisschoff style reverse seoi nage also banned? I see only examples of the Korean style reverse seoi nage in this video.
@nebnimaj87663 жыл бұрын
Well, maybe there is a Meta-problem for IJF respectivley not less of its national associations, which not much of the officials want to hear: This organization(s) have a massive lack of democracy and partly with cases of violence. Them rarely explained rule changes are just one of a few symptoms. A few people earning good money with athletes, fans and stuff...
@Jaracara113 жыл бұрын
Keep killing Judo IJF, you are doing a superb job!
@acampos29 ай бұрын
I love Judo, but it's hard to love judo with these stupid rules. IJF is killing Judo 😢
@ahmadjk2 жыл бұрын
Get the 90s judo back please
@yorgoskarlovitz27833 жыл бұрын
Why shido for reverse seoi nage? Why shido for my judogi being pulled out by the opponent? Ridiculous ...
@JudoImPott3 жыл бұрын
After four weeks i have to say: This video raises more questions than it gives answers. You can see that in the commentaries below -.-
@Praatpaal1233 жыл бұрын
Cool, killing the sport even more. Well done!
@yangyang49153 жыл бұрын
Is there a place that we can download this video? Thank you!
@vidavida96673 жыл бұрын
Mucha confusión. El no score del 10:38 parece score de acuerdo al ejemplo que ya habían explicado.
@김영균-q9e3 жыл бұрын
한국인을 위해 대충 정리해본 글 1. 다소 길어지는 공격상황에서 공격자의 끊김 없는 움직임 만이 득점대상 2. 절반상황1 기존 어깨 뒷면까지 닿아야 하는 득점상황에 더해서 어깨로 착지하였지만 수직(90도)으로 떨어질경우 절반 득점 (90도가 아닌 앞으로 떨어지는 경우는 제외) 3. 절반 상황2 (정확히는 모르겠음) 받기의 모든 신체가 넘어가지 않고 등의 상부(upper back)와 어깨가 함께 바닥에 닿아도 공격자의 득점으로 인정함(절반) 4. 낙법없이 양팔꿈치 또는 양손을 짚어 착지하는경우 기존 : 절반만 주어짐 변경 : 공격자 절반득점, 받기 지도하나 (부상방지 목적인듯) 5. 공격이 유효하지않았는데 공격자를 굴리면서 되치기 했을때 더이상 점수가 없음 (어떤 기술없이 되치기성으로 등을 땅에 닿게만 하는 공격류를 말하는거같음) (영상으로 이해하는게 쉬울듯) 6. 말아업어치기 금지 😢 말아업어치기하면 공격자에게 지도 7. 공격의 마지막 페이즈에서 벨트아래(하체)를 잡는것에 대한 설명 1) 하체부분에 힘을가해 기술을 완성시키는것과 별개로 마무리시 단순히 닿은것은 반칙과 무관하게 득점 2) 공격에 끊김이 발생해 굳히기 상황으로 유도했을경우 다리를 잡을 수 있음 (수정) 공격에 끊김이 발생해 굳히기 상황으로 유도했을 경우 (x) 공격에 끊김이 발생하면 굳히기 상황으로 보겠다.(정정) (이때는 굳히기상황이니 다리를 잡아도 된다고 해석하는것같음) 8. 뒷깃(lapel)과 앞깃(collar) 같이잡기 allowed if not negative(너무 반칙성?만 아니면 허용된다는 의미인듯) 9. 변칙성 그립 벨트잡기, 한쪽만 잡기, 목을 가두지않은 틀어잡기 피스톨그립, 포켓그립