The Art of Judo Episode 1

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International Judo Federation

International Judo Federation

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In less than four years, the judo world will gather together in Japan for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. A return to its roots is hotly-anticipated and hoped for by the judo fans of the whole world. The International Judo Federation has decided, in partnership with the Japanese Federation and the Kodokan, to introduce you to Japan through four films, one per year.
Here is the first episode about the founder of our sport: Jigoro Kano.
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Пікірлер: 112
@scaredypicker Жыл бұрын
I’m a 35 year old British man and I haven’t done Judo since I was 15, but I am greatly enjoying resuming training again 20 years after I last did. I believe I have the discipline now to stick with it and keep going. Best wishes to all judoka from around the world. Oss
@Dualsynergy 8 ай бұрын
Oss is more of an bjj greeting but yes I agree with you it's great to train judo! Oss
@videbula17 7 жыл бұрын
Truly amazing! It's a great honor to be a Judoka. Judo has changed my life!
@oneguy7202 7 жыл бұрын
Victor Araújo Azevedo bjj is even better start croostraining
@oneguy7202 5 жыл бұрын
@@anthonyyang6903 call your self judoka when don't even train double leg is ironic
@skinnyd_tk6795 4 жыл бұрын
I quit smoking since I started judo 💪🏻
@notvisible3754 4 жыл бұрын
@@oneguy7202 People like you make me want to stop doing BJJ just so I’m not associated with you.
@matthewomalley1 4 жыл бұрын
@@oneguy7202 White belt douchebaggery. Have some respect for the man and the art that quite literally created the thing you practice. The Gracies did not invent jiu-jitsu.
@rogerwilliams2629 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. Many thanks from an old student and teacher, from 67 to 2008. Always a Judoka. Forever. Very good.
7 жыл бұрын
When I watch this kind of video, I'm proud to learn jūdō.
@honghanhpham8276 6 жыл бұрын
Me too. From Vietnam.
@grappler240 2 жыл бұрын
I see the happiness on my son's face (11 yo) when he plays with his buddies and is enjoy playing with his peers. The ONLY time I get to experience that WITH him, in this purest form, is when I teach him Jiujitsu. It's truly lovely.
@RuthFaraga 7 жыл бұрын
Hello! I am Ruth Faraga, a Judo practitioner here from Brazil, as I am fluent in English and I have noticed that many people here in Brazil would like to watch this video with the Portuguese subtitles, I translated, directly from English into our language. If you want to sync, I left the times according to the transcript of the original video. Thank you for sharing this video with all of us! 00:07 - Jigoro Kano nasceu em 28 de Outubro de 1860. 00:17 - Jigoro Kano tinha um corpo fraco, 00:22 - Ele criou o Judô combinando Jiu-Jitsu com valores educacionais para a formação de uma boa personalidade. 00:29 - Ele era um grande mestre. 00:40 - Eu acredito que através do Judo, ele expressou a alma Japonesa. 00:51 - A Arte do Judô 00:56 - Episodio 01 - Jigoro Kano - O Fundador do Judo. 01:04 - Tóquio. 01:07 - Este templo Jodo-Shu é chamado Ganjuin Eisho-ji. Está localizado na Asahi-zan ( Montanha do nascer do Sol) 01:15 - Padre Principal Hoshin Aoyama - Templo Eishoji. 01:22 - Jigoro Kano veio para este templo para praticar Jiu-jitsu em 1882. 01:29 - Na frente, onde as relíquias templo estão agora em exibição, eles criaram um dojo usando apenas 12 tatames. 01:37 - Onde atualmente a casa da cerimônia do chá é, uma vez esteve uma casa de madeira 01:40 - Por 6 meses, era onde ele viveu. 01:43 - Antes de se mudar para onde agora é a Kodokan. 01:55 - Kodokan é o lar de todos os praticantes de Judo ao redor do mundo. 02:00 - Sr. Haruki Uemura - Presidente da Kodokan 02:07 - Eu fico muito satisfeito quando o Judo é espalhado na sua forma mais verdadeira e as crianças gostam de praticá-lo. 02:17 - O proposito principal da Kodokan, é a pratica defensiva e de ataque, e finalmente, disciplinar a si mesmo e cultivar sua mente. 02:30 - Jigoro Kano não ensinou somente a teoria. 02:37 - Yukimitsu Kano - Neto de Jigoro Kano 02:41 - Jigoro Kano queria que seus alunos praticando seus ensinamentos na sociedade. 02:55 - Isso é o que fez de Jigoro Kano um excelente educador. 03:10 - Kobe 03:13 - Jigoro Kano era um oficial do governo no Ministério da Educação 03: 22 - Jigoro Kano criou esta escola em 1927. 03:27 - Sr. Magohiro Wada - Diretor da Nada Junior & Senior High School 03:35 - Nós adotamos a filosofia do Judo de Kano Sensei de “Seiryoku Zenyo” (Maxima eficiência) 03:39 - e “Jita Kyoei” (benefício mutuo) como os lemas da nossa escola. 03:42 - E isso vem sendo realizado até os dias de hoje. 03:55 - Eu acredito que Jigoro Kano foi a chave para criar uma nova estrutura na educação japonesa 03:58 - Não apenas os alunos aprendem academicamente, mas também participam de atividades físicas. 04:10 - Srta Uta Abe - Campeã Mundial Junior & Campeã Tokyo GS 2017 04:13 - Eu tinha 05 anos de idade quando eu comecei o Judo. 04:19 - Judo é a minha vida. 04:23 - Graças aos ensinamentos do Jigoro Kano, minha confidencia tem crescido. 04:33 - Seus ensinamentos me fizeram uma pessoa mais gentil. 04:45 - Judo não é apenas um esporte, mas um caminho de vida que contribui para a sociedade. 05:10 - Infelizmente, Jigoro Kano morreu em 1938 no Navio Japonês, Hikawa Maru. 05:27 - Nós somos todos discípulos de Jigoro Kano. Desta maneira, somos todos irmãos. 05:38 - Jigoro Kano tentou criar paz global através da sua filosofia de “Jita Kyoei”. Este é o legado dele.
@oneguy7202 7 жыл бұрын
Ruth Faraga bjj and luta livre are better than olympic judo and todays bullshit of ijf also are better for fighting, you are brazillian so you know that vale tudo is.
@RuthFaraga 7 жыл бұрын
Well Dear Hisoka, I believe that Judo Kodokan and the philosophy of Kano Shiran are the most importante and valuable thing for us.
@oneguy7202 7 жыл бұрын
Ruth Faraga well sure judo has a greate philosophy but bjj also has greate philosophy even aikido is good when we talk about philosophy but today judo is not the same with kano area. Maeda was a judoka but he won 2000 vale tudo matches, today you can't fight in vale tudo or mma only with judo but you can fight if you know luta livre and bjj . Ronda was a floop too.
@RuthFaraga 7 жыл бұрын
Well, I respect your opinion Hisoka, but, I prefer to be attached on Kodokan Judo, study about the philosophy and all the wisdom Kano Shihan left to us. Wish you the best!
@oneguy7202 7 жыл бұрын
Ruth Faraga you too i will nevet understand why judokas dont like vale tudo and mma
@Luca-es4nd 7 жыл бұрын
I am literally crying right know. This is absolutely beautiful. It shows the meaning of this sport, this way to live. Can't wait fore more to come :D. And keep up this great quality!
@skyless7304 Жыл бұрын
As a kid I did Judo. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story of Judo. It really made me sentimental and believe in the good of humanity.
@FK-ef7xx 6 жыл бұрын
WHEN THE NEXT Episode will come!!!!? Judo is a way of life. I would not be 1/3 what I am without Judo. It made me miss Kodokan and that unique smell.
@noonecares-o1j 2 жыл бұрын
It seems how great our country Japan is🇯🇵
@brutaler7278 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for this contribution to judokas all over the world
@opufy 5 жыл бұрын
its just mind boggling the way judo works so well and that a man was able to make use of our body to be capable of,,, magic '''
@-climbers-8498 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing!!!! We love Judo!! We are Judo ka!!!
@scottwilson8499 11 ай бұрын
Im 22 years old and have been doing judo for 5 months and im about to get my orange belt, judo js becoming one of my all time favourite martial arts i love it so much. Im glad i found this beautiful martial art #judoforlife
@tienganhboivinglish 2 жыл бұрын
I really love Judo
@philipzabaoficial6920 3 жыл бұрын
a homenagem ao sensei jigoro kano, é maravilhosa ! Tenho orgulho, de fazer judô e jiu-jitsu. a arte suave !
@richardgoulding7591 7 жыл бұрын
wonderful film, beautifully made and produced, congratulations IJF
@giordanosantarelli7810 7 жыл бұрын
Judo more than a sport❤
@petersiegfriedkrug 3 жыл бұрын
beautiful and enjoyable film. Unfortunataly never I´d the possiblilty to learn this art
@vannacollina2721 2 жыл бұрын
Prezioso video. Onorata. Grazie...
@ouuumii 7 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful! Love it!! Thank yoou!!
@thepianobuddy42 7 жыл бұрын
I do judo respect all people who like and and also who dont love the others to get loved and have a grear live 😊❤
@hamdinger7145 5 жыл бұрын
Very good Thank you.
@daveyponderosa9549 6 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful video. It is truly my pleasure to view it. Many many thanks.
@bluetiger5064 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!!
@estudiosortega 7 жыл бұрын
Love the video! Very beautiful, made me proud of being a judoka
@miguelmunoz1068 7 жыл бұрын
Este material ayuda a difundir nuestro deporte en el mundo. Gracias IJF. Director de Prensa y Marketing de la Confederación Sudamericana de Judo
@WolframtheBlessed3499 2 жыл бұрын
Gracias por su comentario, tengo el gran gusto y el placer de sumarme al gran número de practicantes a nivel mundial.
@drutgat2 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this.
@malkimohamad4310 6 жыл бұрын
Think you jigoro kano pour le judo rahimaka allah
@Ivuspp 5 жыл бұрын
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu looks just like Judo, because it is Basically Just Judo. When Mitsuyo Maeda, a.k.a. "Conde Koma", began teaching Carlos Gracie in Belem do Para, Brazil in 1917, he was teaching Jigoro Kano's Jiu-Jitsu direct from the Kodokan in Japan. The name "Judo" was not popularized until 1925. Mitsuyo Maeda was a Kodokan Judo instructor whose specialty was ground fighting (newaza). This type of ground-only fighting is often referred to as Kosen Judo, or High School Judo, because it was popularized in Japanese High Schools as a form of interscholastic wrestling. Kosen Judo rules allowed direct transition to newaza, enabling scenarios where one less skilled competitor could drag the other down to the ground (a tactic now known as "pulling-guard" in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu). There is absolutely no question that the Gracie family demonstrated great skill and marketing acumen by promoting "Gracie Jiu-Jitsu" or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to the masses. Helio Gracie's loss to Kodokan Judoka Masahiko Kimura was advertised as a "moral victory". More importantly, the Gracies sponsored the original Ultimate Fighting Championships when the world was begging for a professional combat sport with more depth than Boxing and more realism than the WWF. However, there is now a generation of Jiu-Jitsu students who only know half the story. Worse yet, they are often paying enormous prices for the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu name only to learn a subset of Jigoro Kano's original Jiu-Jitsu techniques and teaching methods. The Judo world has not been without fault too. High ranking judoka often looked down on the new popular MMA world due to Judo's Olympic status. As a result, most Judo schools have been over-emphasizing the throwing techniques within Judo due to pressure from the International Olympic Comittee to increase ratings on TV for the brief moments when Olympic Judo would receive air time. Similarly, there is a generation of Jiu-Jitsu students, and now instructors, who incorrectly think Judo is nothing but a standing sport.
@rudrasarkar3196 4 жыл бұрын
Nice Illustration. You brought the real scenario of Judo with facts.
@Schabab 4 ай бұрын
Judo ❤
@francescopaolosferratore5183 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful video. Oss!
@Missdeadcity 7 жыл бұрын
more like the history of Judo part 1, but I like it.
@Dynamiteparm 6 жыл бұрын
I am judo ka you are judo ka we are brothers in judo!!!
@sonenokominka 4 жыл бұрын
I was able to grow my mind and body by doing judo
@Coconauta 7 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@Jan-84 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video👍🏻🥋
@tresorlomeya3439 7 жыл бұрын
salut mes amis membre de judo je suis judoka ceintures noir sans dan à Kinshasa Congo j'aime beaucoup le judo merci
@Parloconglialberi 7 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video, can't wait for 2nd episode :3 Need help: what's song's name at 0:59?
@fgbfghvnvjnvb 7 жыл бұрын
amazing video...
@judokasamrat 2 жыл бұрын
My honour to be a judoka
@tuckeni1 7 жыл бұрын
Very nice!
@johnkaras6384 4 жыл бұрын
Tha great Bruce Lee respected judo more than other martial art in a street fight I love judo..people use to joke with me that judo was a sport not a fighting skill..How wrong they are..
@frostfallgaming7755 7 жыл бұрын
loved it
@mouloujmlkjj632 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video
@seanodonnell486 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that Kano died in 1938 is sad, but I am glad he missed World War II. Part of his push to introduce Judo into the Olympic Games was the fact that he knew Japan (especially the Japanese Army) would have to behave on the international scene should Japan be involved in the Olympic Games. Japan had been hostile towards their neighbor's in Asia throughout the 1930's leading up to the Rape of Nanking in 1937, and the Bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. I am glad Kano missed the Seven Years of Horrors that came after his Death.
@geraintparfitt8073 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to do judo but so many injuries
@GenSecWPNM 2 жыл бұрын
Same here mate. I was about to enroll in a judo class in 2021 but I met with a motorcycle accident that broke my coccyx.
@xLeon 7 жыл бұрын
Traduccion : ( no se poner subtitulos asi que los escribire aqui ) Jigoro Kano nacio el 28 de Octubre, de 1860 Jigoro Kano tenia un cuepro debil. El creo el Judo comibnando Jiu-jitsu con valores educacionales para formar una buena personalidad. El fue un gran maestro. Yo creo que a travez del Judo el expreso el Alma Japonesa - Episodio 1 Jigoro Kano , El Fundador del Judo - Este templo "Jodo-shu" es llamado Ganjuin Eisho-Ji. Esta localizado en el Asashi-zan ( Montaña del sol Naciente ) - Sacerdote en Jefe Hoshin Aoyama del Templo Eshoji - Jigoro Kano vino a este templo a practicar Jiu-jitsu en 1882 Enfrente de donde se encuentran las reliquias del templo que ahora estan en exhibicion ellos crearon un Dojo usando solo 12 tatamis Donde es ahora, la casa ceremonial del te', una vez estuvo una casa de madera y Por 6 meses, es donde el vivio Antes de Mudarse a lo que ahora es Kodokan. Kodokan es el Hogar de todos los practicantes de Judo alrededor del mundo - Haruki Uemura , Presidente del Kodokan - Encuentro gran satisfaccion cuando el Judo se extiende en su forma mas pura y los niños disfrutan practicandolo. El principal proposito del Kodokan es Practicar defensa y Ataque, y por ultimo Disciplinarte a ti mismo y Cultivar tu mente Jigoro Kano no solo enseñaba la teoria. - Yukimitsu Kano, Nieto de Jigoro Kano - Jigoro Kano queria que sus estudiantes practicaran sus enseñanzas en la sociedad. Eso fue lo que convirtio a Jigoro Kano un gran educador. Jigoro Kano fue un oficial del Gobierno en el Ministerio de Educacion. Jigoro Kano creo esta escuela en 1927 - Mr. Magohiro Wada, Director de la Primaria y Secundaria de Nada -- Nosotros adopramos la filosofia "Seiryoku Zenyo" ( Maxima Eficiencia ) y "Jita Kyoei" ( mutuo beneficio ) como los lemas de nuestra escuela. y asi ha sido llevado de esta forma hasta este dia Yo creo que Jigoro Kano fue la llave para crear una nueva estructura en la educacion japonesa Y no solo los pupilos aprenderian academicamente si no tambien formarian parte en actividades fisicas Ms. Uta Abe Campeona Mundial Junior y ganadora del Tokyo GS 20 tenia 5 años cuando empeze a practicar Judo El Judo es mi vida Gracias a las enseñanzas de Jigoro Kano mi confianza ha crecido. Sus enseñanzas me han vuelto una persona mas amable Judo no solo es un deporte, si no una forma de vida que contribuye a la sociedad Desafortunadamente Jigoro Kano fallecio en 1938 en el Transatlantico Japones Hikawa Maru Todos somos discipulos de Jigoro Kano y de cierta forma, todos somos hermanos/as Jigoro Kano intento crear paz Global mediante su filosofia Jita Kyoei. y Este es su legado. Subtitulos Por : Lucio Alejandro Lopez Cazares From Ensenada Baja California Mexico.
@gigigugunashvili1942 7 жыл бұрын
@akosgellert9474 2 жыл бұрын
yes me yellow cincture🥋
@yousaf3azouz209 7 жыл бұрын
@canaldotonyefamilia 7 жыл бұрын
Legenda em português, please!
@АвоКадо-я4х 3 жыл бұрын
J i g u r o K a n o w i l l b e f i n e
@kaydorphu 7 жыл бұрын
Hello! I would like to broadcast this program on local TV in Bhutan to promote Judo. Is it possible to obtain permission to do this? I would like to dub it in the local language as well. thanks!
@MrEugenio1995 2 жыл бұрын
Min. 2:46 What the writings around Kano Jigoro Sensei mean? Thank you everybody
@richardoliveirabarbosa2913 7 жыл бұрын
Oss best
@ОлегГеворгян-ш8з 3 жыл бұрын
@fernandojosepilar1548 6 жыл бұрын
@herbethpereiramarques5247 7 жыл бұрын
mas quando você bate a boca no chão qual sua reação já que todos lutadores melhores que eu?
@henrikscania-r1z 3 жыл бұрын
That IJF symbol. It is not the color of your gi, but the content of your character? 😃
@aram92judo 7 жыл бұрын
@mr.obamium8074 6 жыл бұрын
I wish leg grabs were still a thing
@herbethpereiramarques5247 7 жыл бұрын
eu tenho problema no ombro esquerdo eu vou fazer flexão no chão fico preocupado em meu não da choque e eu bater a cabeça chão todos lutadores são melhor que eu eu não entendo
@krissteele2661 3 жыл бұрын
@brucebethers4427 7 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed the video.. However, today's IJF's Judo has almost Nothing in common with the Traditional Kodokan Judo that Prof Jigoro Kano created in 1882..
@drutgat2 6 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. Well said.
@abderrahmenetj7260 7 жыл бұрын
@pkre707 3 ай бұрын
For some reason I always thought Judo was a Korean martial art. No idea why
@herbethpereiramarques5247 7 жыл бұрын
você pode se defender de um inimigo que você não ver?
@badewannenboy625 7 жыл бұрын
@lq_12 7 жыл бұрын
And again we have 2wazqri=Ippon :(
@oak6991 4 жыл бұрын
My sensei told me that he Kano didn’t create judo, he founded it. Also the video implied that judo cane from jiu jitsu but I’ve actually heard that it’s the other way around.
@fgbfghvnvjnvb 7 жыл бұрын
jigoro kano learned jiu jitsu to create judo? What would be the oldest art?
@paulz4667 7 жыл бұрын
Matt Ribeiro Jujitsu is a complete art but judo is more of a sport and able to be practiced. Many arts developed from Jujitsu: aikido, judo and hapkido plus certain elements of karate stem from Jujitsu too.
@llyr24 6 жыл бұрын
Subtitle should have said “jujutsu”. That is the only correct transliteration of the kanji into “Romanji”.
@rafaelsantana1707 2 жыл бұрын
👋 hello from 🇵🇷 PR I see many documents about Judo 👍 I liket am 55 now but som I will star practice Judo 💪 may Opinion I see the Judo an Aikido go together they are close to the technical because kano and O sensie From Aikido they want the Samen thing a good Marcial Art the be for Peace good but not Agreecing Judo is a Sport and be Practice around the world 👍👏 Soft an Aikido is Soft to but no Sport for me you can't not use the Aikido Techinc for MMA because you can' health someone arm wrist the Aikido for me is for Self defense Out of Sport and the style can work is someone not how to uset . The same about Judo if you Trow someone on the Ground Concrete hard 😳 if you want you can do Serios damage to tha Person so Judo and Aikido 👍👏💪🇵🇷☝️😄
@kka844 7 жыл бұрын
@claytonthomas495 2 жыл бұрын
@giovanni-hf9uo 7 жыл бұрын
Ijf is destroying judo, give more time in newaza
@oneguy7202 7 жыл бұрын
giovanni not just newaza they should start teaching again atemi awaza and the katas that create by kano and ofc make one big competion with kosen judo rules
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